Wednesday, July 8, 2009


2day life still sama sama but this morning been locked out outside cuz no key
swt.....................we ned wait out 'key-woman' to come n unlocked the door
and we wait leh 45 mins then she came.
Today add maths got a small test
N i think i will failed d lah cuz 4get most of the formulae
today bm class
I cannot follow up teacher words
making impossible to salin habis wat she say
in sejarah more worst,
i even fall asleep in his class.
luckily he dint saw lah or he dint even care i dunno lah.
Dunno y today a
very ill and tired o
after add maths tuition my head start pening
is becuz do mani excerise le mah?
when i told my dad he say mabye i too stress or tired leh
after arrive at home
after shower i straight go to bed
be4 i close my eye
the phone start rang
bih Ju call n ask about tomorow science club activity
i say tht i had no idea (if u about to sleep and u r ill, how u got idea??)
well the activity is up to her or teacher leh
If i still continue feel ill mabye i 2morow will not go to school leh......
(Hope i be deally ill KEKEKEKEKEK)

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