Thursday, July 23, 2009

Some1 Birthday

2day maxwell d birthday
so funny our class sang hapi birthday song for him dunno how many times leh
he so syok lo mani ppl remember his birthday n send him present
but a little angry becuz me n luther keep spliting the news
sry a maxwell cuz i under luther command
kinda feel sry for him lo becuz i dint have present for him
since no time for shopping ==
so me and joanne draw a birthday card for him and ask all ppl sign their signature on it
when BC period luther on behalf of 4B giv the card to maxwell
the most lol is when BC teacher sundenly wan play 'zhen xin hua' and maxwell must answer it
1st question: got GF leh mah?(mesti have 1)
His Answer: NO(really meh!?)
2nd question: got 暗恋some1 mah?
Answer:NO(Menipu cikgu pergi bilik disiplin)
Vivian question: Then u like girl or boy?(swt)
Luther Question(Most fei 1):Got see AV??(got also dun tell u lah)
Teacher:thank you Ng lun tai
Maxwell:..........(return to seat with bright red face which red like tomato & sweating like juz back from raining)
after that we pengawas sumber got meeting and all of us form 4 got jawatan leh!!
juz as we aspect MCC and Xiao Qian is our leader
be4 meeting they 2 are so nervous!!
gambateh u 2 ned sesuai this 场合
Our Pusat Sumber ask us to help others teacher for the ogos activities
there so mani activities(swt.....)
i 1st pick the scrap book avtivities becuz i kinda interested about it
1st a kenneth n maxwell was in my group d
but later they 背叛我 and enter the quiz 1
i dun wan solo so when almerick say he wan quiz but quiz full
i juz take him to my group><(so bad leh)
after this a i tell cherral to tell every1 tht 2day is maxwell birthday
ever1 sang birthday to him again
(dunno 2day in class sang how mani times leh)
this make him wan kill me leh
so after i get my card kokum i juz ran as faz as i could becuz he wan kill me leh
(but right now i still alive to share this in my blog)
if is wasnt some1 blocking my road
there will be no bodyglove on my back leh(T.T ouch)
If is wasnt ah jie ask me dun giv u mandi
i think u going to use the cherral presnt leh
Anyway Hapi B'day MAXWELL

1 comment:

  1. through u far away,i am here with u,u're always in my heart,u are not alone...^.^
