Sunday, June 28, 2009

Everything is new

Yesterday is the taking report day which all parents must follow their children to is a bad day for must ppl......Haiz.....Teacher keep saying tht i must improve more my result which is tht i dint score well this time. My father is really dissapointed to me i can see tht.N after tht he keep ngam me at the car which driving me crazy but after all the !#&#^^@$%!^$$ end leh...he go buy me a new phone which he promise tht he will buy after this exam.I quite suprising he is not angry anymore. He brought me a SONY ERICSSON W595 which i like it.
That not onli the things i, after church me, darran and kenneth go CentrePoint to celebrate our dear Victor birthday and also some cloths for our school concert at saturday. 1st we go Fame at warisan which the cloth is not intereset by me. then we go to the CALANDER which located at 3rd floor CP.After enter i get my brand new cloth and the onli thing i ned now is a HAT....I try mani mani hat but dint look well on me. At last we go back FAME and found the hat which look well on me and Darran had found his New BELT.Anyway, we had to buy a present for our birthday boy.....but wat will it be? HAHAhaha....we buy him his new and 1st FON shirt which is very FON selected by me n Darran(actually is Darran hu saw it 1st). On the prossesing........we spend almost 1 hour and half for me and darran things.But for Victor.................We spend almost 4 HOURS!!! We keep entering the same shop over n over which i think the employee even recognize us lehXD kekekeke hoping the concert will come sooner!!!!

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